Carbon Forestry21

Carbon Forestry 21 – John and Christian will be there!
Join John and Christian from our Atlas team on the 15th and 16th of July.
What’s Carbon Forestry?
Carbon Forestry21 by Innovatek – For over 22 years Innovatek conferences have attracted professionals in the forestry, wood, as well as carbon farming industries. Some of these farming industries are in New Zealand, Australia, North and South America and Europe and they are back for 2021!
The Carbon Forestry21 conference is organised by long-time industry conference partners, Innovatek as well as the government and investment groups as a result offering pertinent pre-conference and post-conference practical workshops.
Date and location
Date: 15th and 16th of July 2021
Location: Distinction Hotel, Rotorua, New Zealand.
What’s planned for 2021?
John is Integral’s developer responsible for the Forecaster Carbon products and Atlas’s project manager Christian will be available at the Atlas stand for queries or if you just want to shoot the breeze. Currently, Atlas is supporting several Forecaster products but not all of them support carbon modeling.
John and Christian will be answering questions based on: