

Streamlining Global Supply Chains

SupplyIT Streamlines the global supply chain flow by enabling secure component identification, tracking, and optimisation of inventory to support the establishment and maintenance of optimal inventory levels and distribution flow and reduce distribution.

Supply-IT is a market-proven distribution planning and scheduling application package developed by Integral.

The package provides your employees with a holistic and transparent view of the entire supply chain and logistics systems in real time, accessible via a user-friendly interface.

Developed in collaboration with industries characterised by multi-level supply chains, including aerospace, warehousing, timber, and food, specifically designed to simplify complex global supply chains. Real-time access to data from multiple sites and locations enables advanced identification of bottlenecks and production issues so they can be addressed with the reallocation of resources.

Deployed by companies of all sizes across any industry to manage the global supply chain and inventory levels, increase efficiency, and enhance overall delivery performance.

Available as a cloud-based service or hosted application depending on individual business requirements.

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