Yield Table Manager

Get the most out of yield tables

Atlas Yield Table Manager enables the forest manager to ensure that yield tables are used efficiently and reliably throughout the organisation.

Forest yield information is an important part of forest valuation and strategic planning. However, the management of this information is often divorced from the use of yield predictions for harvest planning at a tactical and operational level.

Yield Table Manager is designed to bridge these gaps by providing a centralised source of yield information and all the necessary tools for:

  • Strategic planner and values
  • Harvesting and tactical planner
  • Operational harvest schedulers
  • Forest resource and business analysts
  • Management
Yield table accessibilityYield Table Manager provides managed centralised storage so yield tables are accessible throughout the organisation.
Yield tables maintenanceYield tables can be created, updated, renamed, or deleted
Changes trackedYield Table Manager maintains an audit trail of changes
Connections between yield tables and GIS /GeoMasterSettings in the Harvest Area layer and Assessment layer of GIS are connected to Yield Table Manager
Composite yield table constructionArea-weighted average of several tables can be used to create composite tables
Log product aggregationsAggregations such as planning grades are based on amalgamations of actual grades
SED distributionsSED distributions for each entry in yield table can be displayed
Conversion to different unitsConversion factor filters convert to units such as cubic metres to tonnes, JAS, etc
Gaps in tables filledAge interpolation/extrapolation can be applied to fill gaps at certain ages
User-defined attributesUser-defined attributes (such as labels) can be added to yield tables


Yield tables that are produced from cruising forest stands can be directly exported to Yield Table Manager from ATLAS Cruiser, or they can be entered as CSV files or spreadsheets from other applications e.g. MARVL V3.

Yield tables created by resource analysts from growth simulations can also be directly incorporated in Yield Table Manager, if ATLAS Forecaster has been used, or from CSV files and spreadsheets derived from other applications. Once incorporated in Yield Table Manager these tables can be edited as more reliable information becomes available. Furthermore, the original data is not lost as an audit trail is included to ensure any modifications can be documented and tracked.


Where it is necessary to determine yield from areas that are not aligned with a single yield table, an area-weighted average yield table can be constructed from existing tables.

For Example, if a stumpage sale comprises parts of three stands, each with an associated yield table, then a new composite table can be created to represent the yield from the sale area. Given a sparse yield table or a table with gaps at certain ages, yield values can be interpolated between ages or extrapolated toward age zero.

Yield tables can be converted to produce yields in different units for example JAS mยณ/ha, tonnes/ha, or carbon/ha. A report on small-end diameter (SED) distributions can be provided for a yield entry if this information has been supplied. it is also possible to include additional attributes to each yield entry such as PLE or SED.


Planners often need to produce modified yield tables in order to take into account the realities of the harvesting operation.

A useful feature ofย Yield Table Managerย for this purpose is allowing thresholds to be set for marketable quantities of logs occurring in a grade. If there is insufficient volume in any grade, the logs will be reallocated to another grade to ensure the minimum log volumes are met. Planners can also apply regrades where a percentage of a grade volume is reallocated to another grade volume to adjust for likely operational outcomes. Planning grades may be aggregations of actual grades andย Yield Table Managerย takes care of this by creating new yield tables for the planning grades based on the actual grades in the existing tables.

ATLAS Yield Table Manager integration with ATLAS Suite of forest management tools

Integration between ATLAS modules enables information from one application to be accessed or presented within another greatly increasing the power of each module and the suite as a whole.

For example, Yield tables in Yield Table Manager may originate from Cruiser. Yield tables can be made available to other applications, such as GeoMaster for use in Harvest Planner.

Use Yield Table Manager to take care of yield tables; add in these other ATLAS modules to efficiently and effectively undertake a wide range of tasks:

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