Getting the most out of quality control
Atlas SilviQC provides managers with an objective description of operational performance.
There are modules to support a range of Pruning, Thinning, Site preparation, and Plating, and it enables users to define any extra data fields that they need.
Pre-operational assessments are also supported to confirm the timing of planned operations and derive an appropriate contractor rate.
ATLAS SilviQC provides a range of reports from individual tree data to plot and inventory summaries. Plots can be grouped and summarised by selected criteria (e.g. by date, rework, etc.). ATLAS SilviQC can also export plot data for subsequent analysis by other applications.
Plot locations generated by ATLAS GeoMaster can be loaded into ATLAS FieldMan for data collection.
The assessment data is then analysed in ATLAS SilviQC and the results can be forwarded to ATLAS GeoMaster where it is stored with the tending operation.