Download this White Paper to learn about the best practices within JD Edwards. This White Paper is intended for IT managers who manage JD Edwards upgrades.

Each of JD Edwards family of ERP products presents unique requirements and challenges for integration.
Managing integration in anticipation of an upgrade is an essential part of managing a JD Edwards system. find out how you can integrated upgraded JD Edwards version with near-zero effort in Magic’s white paper.
Our White Papers covers best practices, such as:
This white paper presents several best practices for JD Edwards IT Department for systems integration before, during and after the time of an upgrade.
Too many IT departments have been manually integrating JD Edwards systems by writing ad hoc program interfaces that are difficult to maintain and unlikely to scale, leading to significant risks.
This white paper is intended for IT managers who manage JD Edwards upgrades where significant data or processes need to be integrated. Upgrades are complicated projects. Managing integration in anticipation of an upgrade is an essential part of managing a JD Edwards system
If your business has JD Edwards you need to talk to our team at Integral, Australia and New Zealand’s leading JD Edwards integrators.