6 Reasons to Brace for Digital Disruption

We are living in a topsy-turvey upside-down world that is suddenly post-modern and something more.
Old assumptions of doing business are colliding with new business models and rapidly changing technology paradigms that threaten traditional business thinking with hidden barriers, digital delusions and more.
A seemingly infinite world of zero costs is pushing us all forward towards digital disruption. Truly savvy business leaders and orginisations are taking this unprecedented opportunity to leverage hidden opportunitires in this changing world.
Here are 6 reasons to adopt a culture of digital disruption:
1. Business Models are no longer linear
As businesses like Uber and Airbnb demonstrate, buyers and sellers no longer need be connected by a linear sales model but rather via an infinite network. Digital technologies connecting mobile devices and Internet application platforms are creating real-time buyer and seller networks that bypass the middle layer of distribution and radically reduce cost and improve service.
2. Technology Paradigms are no longer centralised
The notion of the mainframe computer was to provide a massive single source of computing to serve a single organisation. The Internet, mobility, cloud services, and active-active clustering are exponentially increasing the power of computing potential and business process effectiveness for organisations with the vision to harness the capabilities and recognise whatโs real.
3. Hidden Barriers are crippling responsiveness
At a time when businesses need to be absolutely agile and responsive, they are discovering hidden barriers intrinsic to outdated technologies that prevent competitiveness and reduce responsiveness to market demands and customer needs.
4. Digital Delusions are trapping business in older legacy models
Too many businesses are falling for vendor-speak that attempts to dress-up old technology as part of a new trend that is supposed to lead to digital transformation, when in reality, it furthers vendor lock-in and reduces agility. Recognising these digital delusions and hidden barriers is essential to unlocking the true potential of a post-modern digital economy.
5. Infinite Capabilities at Zero Cost are begging to be unleashed
When business models and missions align to create service-oriented, real-time networks, delivery infrastructure approaches infinite capability at near zero cost. Pairing mobile apps with cloud application servers and leveraging existing core IT infrastructure in newly integrated configurations can bypass traditional cost models and accelerate revenue streams exponentially. The possibilities are right there in almost every type of business, you just have to able to see how to disassemble what you have and recompose it using the new paradigms.
6. Simple Ideas Are Best
Twitter is basically the ability to be able to send texts or SMS type messages to more than one person at a time. Snapchat is the ability to be able to share pictures without storing them. Uber is the pairing of riders to drivers without owning vehicles. Google is the ability search for and find anything on the internet. The best ideas are incredibly simple and can be expressed in just a few words. What idea will digitally disrupt your industry?
Digital disruption is inevitable. Whether you are driving the change in your industry or being victimised by it is entirely up to you. It’s your choice.
Will you be a victim of digital disruption or its conqueror?
Originally posted by Magic Software – http://blog.magicsoftware.com/2017/04/6-reasons-to-adopt-culture-of-digital.html